How to cancel SERU Assessment?

How to cancel / reschedule your SERU assessment date
Jul 10 /
Need to cancel or reschedule your SERU Assessment date?
Do it as soon as possible!

How to cancel or change a SERU assessment date?
There are a number of reasons why you might need to amend or cancel the date of your SERU assessment - for example work commitments, travel plans or illness.
It is very important to get in touch with TfL as soon as possible and provide them with a valid reason for the change.
To cancel or reschedule your SERU assessment you should either email TfL at
Or call them on 0343 222 4444
Make sure to ask for confirmation and for a new assessment date.

We recommend doing it by email if there is enough time left before your assessment as you will always have proof of contact if anything goes wrong (and we know it does occasionally) so best to be on the safe side.
Remember to quote your licence number and main reason for contact in the subject field.

You can also contact TfL using these details if you have any special requirements or need any reasonable adjustments.
Same contact details can be used to reschedule your Topographical skills or Speaking & Listening assessments. 
On the day of your SERU assessment please make sure to have a valid form of ID (passport or driving licence) and a payment card (excluding AMEX) as TfL does not accept cash at their test centres. If you don’t bring any ID with you will not be let into the TfL Driver Assessment Centre. 

What is the address of TfL assessment centre?
There are currently 2 TfL centres available. 

1. O2 - TfL Assessment Centre, 14 Pier Walk, London, SE10 0ES 
2. West Kensington - TfL Assessment Centre, Ashfield House, 7 Beaumont Avenue, London, W14 9UY

You must not attend any of these centres if you don't have an assessment booked - you will be refused entry.

To Cancel or Reschedule a SERU Assessment

You must call or email TfL as soon as possible.

TfL Assessments Team
0343 222 4444

TfL Assessments Team email